Our skin produces these forms of scarring when stretched too quickly often where fat is stored. They start off with a reddish purple-ish line and over time fade to a silvery white.

The rapid stretching causes the middle layer of dermis to tear, resulting in broken fibres. The tears allow the blood vessels to show through (the redness) although when the blood vessels eventually get smaller, the pale-coloured fatty tissue becomes visible which gives the silvery colour. They may be a confidence drain but help can be given to reduce the visual impact with dermal rolling/micro-needling or radio frequency.

  • Procedure time

    up to 1 hour

  • Results time


  • Recovery time


  • Duration of results

    long term

  • Risks

    very low

  • Anaesthetic

    topical if required

Removal Pricing

Hair Removal with Sterex

Milia Removal 

£99, £197 or £296 depending on time spent. We remove as many as possible in the time given


 Skin Tag Removal £99, £197 or £296 depending on time spent. We remove as many as possible in the time given


Lesion removal with our resident surgeon:

Price is dependent on number of removals and whether histology is required

Consultation £50

Any mole, lipoma, or cyst removal:
1 lesion removal £400 - £475
2 lesion removals £475 - £595 
3 lesion removals £575 - £715
4 lesion removals £675 - £825
5 lesion removals £775 - £945

Large Lipoma removal

Bespoke price quoted on consultation


Qualified practitioner use of IPL for:

Hyper Pigmentation/dark spots
Broken veins/capillary
Acne scarring 

£99, £150 or £200 (as advised at consultation)

Need more information?

Contact our team today about taking you next steps to becoming more body confident.

Call us on 0239 2382 000 or email info@changesclinic.co.uk